Welcome to AbGradCon '12!

Thanks to all that joined in this year's AbGradCon and a special thank you to all our sponsors that made it possible.

Congratulations to our High School and Undergraduate Poster Competition Winners!!

High School

1st Place - Poster #13

Varun Gadh (Sponsored by Jen Glass)

Investigation of Diversity of Microbial Metal Transporters in Methane Seep Ecosystems using Metagenomics

2nd Place - Poster #6

Kriti Lall (Sponsored by Alison Conrad)

Gene Expression Analysis of the Proposed Arsenite Oxidase in the Extremophilic Phototroph, Ectothiorhodospira str. BSL-9

3rd Place - Poster #9

Natik Kurbanov (Sponsored by Marika Tarasahvilli)

Terraformation of Planet Venus


1st Place - Poster #8

Arin Greenwood (Sponsored by Aaron Noell)

Quantitative Analysis and Depositional Techniques for B. subtilis Endospores

2nd Place - Poster #4

Tess Bernhard (Sponsored by Aaron Goldman)

The Catalytic Repertoire of Ribozymes and Their Role in Early Life

3rd Place - Poster #1

Lucrece Tiegwe (Sponsored by Jessica Bowman)

Molecular Cloning of Ribosomal L5 Protein