Welcome to AbGradCon '13!

AbGradCon 2013, June 10th-14th in Montreal, Quebec, Canada!

Calling all Astrobiology grad students and post-docs! Planning for AbGradCon 2013 is well under way. AbGradCon is a conference organized by and for early career astrobiologists, without those pesky P.I.s and professors getting in the way.

This year, the conference will be held at McGill University in Montreal, Canada from Monday June 10th to Friday June 14th.

Update June 11, 2013: Abgradcon has started! Check out the live stream of the conference at the S.A.G.A.N Theater!

Update June 5, 2013: The schedule is now online!

Update May 14, 2013: Undergraduate poster submission is now open. Submit your abstract here.

Update April 1, 2013: Because of some delays in obtaining final funding approval, we will have to delay sending out acceptance letters until Wednesday, April 10.

Update March 16, 2013: Abstract submission is now closed for Abgradcon 2013.

Update March 14, 2013: We have more funding for US and Canadian participants than applications right now (see the funding page), so if you are thinking of applying, please do!

Update Febuary 27, 2013: The abstract submission date has been extended to March 15th!